I led a team that identified and created a series of signature Toyota Prius skins to create buzz and engagement around the first ever Prius Plug-in launch.
The Situation
The first ever Prius Plug-in was going to ship late due to the tsunami. So how do you keep consumers engaged when it's going to be a year before they get the car they pre-ordered?
The Work
To keep customers engaged and to draw in a larger audience within the target demographic, I led a team that commissioned 4 artists - Geoff McFetridge, HunterGatherer, Aaron de la Cruz, and Joshua Davis - to create custom decals. We also convened the most active Prius users and gave them the opportunity to create a decal.
We then shot a video with each artist talking about their work, their process, and the Prius Plug-In.
The Results
The project was successful in meeting its goal of keeping pre-orderers engaged as well as expanding the Prius audience. The custom decals that customers could pre-order sold out and drove signifficant earned media, resulting in both happy customers and a happy Toyota.